PlayPoint is a youth sports team management application. I've built their admin site, calendar, and search features. Additionally, I have built out their notification system and helped them integrate with Mailchimp. Technologies used include Vue, React, Vuex, several Firebase products and more.
Sourgrapes is a simple static site generator built using python. I actually used it to make this site! It uses the Jinja templating engine, a simple http server, and a little bit of threading to let users generate static html pages from markdown files.
This website allows you to track and time pomodoros. It uses MongoDB, React, Express, and Node. Additionally, it uses Firebase for authentication and the Canvas element for a fun animation on the landing page.
Spotitter is a simple React App that let's the user generate a playlist loosley based on a given Twitter user's timeline. The app uses Spotify and Twitter's API and some very basic natural language processing to generate the playlist.
Currently, this project is a html canvas-based text editor built using pure javascript and html. It supports some features 'normal' text editors have, like copy/paste as well as some other features that make it a little unique.
My senior thesis was on network analysis. It involved constructing a network of interactions between Twitter users and exploring it using various statistical tools such as the exponential random graph model. It placed first in the USPROC in 2021.